Monday, June 25, 2012

Wedding Anniversary #24

We Praise the Lord for today, because 24 years. ago my GEM & I we're cleaning and decorating the Church, while at the same time looking into each others eyes ... During all of this love and happiness, my mother(who's now with the LORD) & her best friend Lucy(my second Mommy 2) were preparing a festive 4 everyone 2 eat ... Due 2 the blissful fact that at 3:00 in the afternoon,where we Worshiped, Prayed and met 4 the first time. My GEM & I were no long going to be 2 hearts; because after we'd exchange Wedding Vows then Jesus Christ would be join us 4 life ... 

Genesis 2:24 ~Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (C)Copy Right 2011 All Rights Reserved

Friday, June 8, 2012

Doesn't Determine

It's not the height of the roof over a family's head, nor is it the amount of rooms that really determines a family's joy ...What can and should produce unity between mom,dad, the kids and maybe even the grandparents is this ... That some or all of the members in that home or apartment really loves the other sibling with their hearts instead of only their mouths ... If your having diff icultity in perceiving what is being said, take some time and think about this...

1 John 3:18 ~ My children, let us not love with words or in talk only. Let us love by what we do and in truth.

Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (C)Copy Right 2011 All Rights Reserved